How to strikethrough text in squarespace with markdown
How to strikethrough text in squarespace with markdown

John Gruber and Aaron Swartz in 2004 created the Markdown language with the idea of enabling people “to write using easy to read and write plain text format and with the option of converting it to XHTML or HTML. Markdown syntax can be seen after while in the text. For making a bold sentence, two asterisks are added before and after it (e.g., this text is bold).

how to strikethrough text in squarespace with markdown how to strikethrough text in squarespace with markdown

For example, to show a heading, a number sign is added before it (e.g. When Markdown formatted file is created, Markdown syntax is added to the text to indicate which words and phrases may look different. While using Microsoft Word, formatting words and phrases are through clicking buttons and changes are immediately visible. Markdown is now one of the world’s most popular markup languages. In other words we can say that HTML is a publishing format while Markdown is a writing format. The reason behind the Markdown is to make it easy to read, write and edit prose. Let it be clear that Markdown is not a replacement for HTML because its syntax is very small, containing a very small subset of HTML tags. Markdown is a lightweight markup language intended for one purpose, to be used to format text on the web with plain text formatting syntax. MD files are the extensions of files created Markdown language software. If so this will not change the file type because there are special conversion softwares available for changing a file from one type to another. md file:Ī word of caution is that do not rename the extension of .md files. Following are the applications that can open an. MD files can also be categorized as developer files which are mostly used by Markdown, for converting text files to HTML versions so that users can create files that are easy to read and write. Markdown language is released by John Gruber. MD files can be converted to HTML with a program called Markdown.

how to strikethrough text in squarespace with markdown

MD files are saved in plain text format that uses Markdown language which also includes inline text symbols, defining how a text can be formatted such as indentations, table formatting, fonts, and headers. Text files created with Markdown language dialects is saved with.

How to strikethrough text in squarespace with markdown